The built-in Chrome adblocker will work for all countries this summer

Let me remind you that the ad blocker in Chrome is not at all the same as AdBlock and other similar solutions. The browser is struggling only with the advertisement that does not meet the standards adopted by the Coalition for Better Ads. In fact, this means that the built-in blocker only fights the most aggressive and intrusive advertisements that violate the following rules:

  • ads with sound and videos that start playing automatically;
  • pop-up messages that hide most of the screen;
  • the so-called prestitial advertising;
  • This term refers to an advertisement that has its own page and is loaded in front of the target URL, and then the user is shown a timer counting down the time before the intrusive ad is closed;
  • large banners are placed on top of the window and occupy up to 30% of the screen;
  • for mobile versions of sites, "flashing" ads are not encouraged, colors or background which changes rapidly and aggressively, trying to attract attention, thereby making it difficult to read;

Since next summer, Coalition for Better Ads will expand its global standards, Chrome developers will do the same. If a site violates the above rules, after the July 9 this year, Chrome will no longer display any advertisement for such a resource (if problems are fixed by administrators within 30 days). Google representatives write that the past year and the experience of the United States, Canada, and Europe proved that most website owners are able to change its resources in a better way and get rid of intrusive ads. As of January 1, 2019, two-thirds of all sites that have ever been seen in violations of the above standards have already eliminated problems and have since then had a good reputation. Besides, among the many millions of sites, Chrome works with on a daily basis, it’s reported that only 1% is eligible for filtering and display advertising that is prohibited by Coalition for Better Ads.