Web applications evolution – from the very beginning up to our time

Now we are able to see different websites and applications that meet our requirements in full scope. But this was not always the case. The web APPs has the long history of their evolution. So it should be mentioned all the stages of the applications development. The story began in far 1980 when the manual paper driven turned into the personal computer in 1985. During 5 next years many helpful services appeared – among them:

  • Word Perfect;
  • Excel;
  • Business Automation;
  • Lotus.

The tipping point was in 1990 when custom desktop applications began to be developed. Creation of this type of APPs is one of the key stage in the web application development. It was a real progress – the custom desktop applications were changing in full and improving up to the end of 1995. Right this period of time is noticeable with the increasing of the programmer job popularity. Millions of young people decided to devote their life to programming and desktop APPs creation.

Custom web applications – necessary stage of the APPs evolution

Next necessary stage of the application evolution is the development of custom web applications. The basic knowledge was got right at the end of 1995 and the active progress of web APPs development lasted till the end of 2000. Now we have variety of APPS versions and many specialists that create web products with the wide range of options. Earlier all these achievements were the real examples of success.

Thanks to our time of cutting edge technologies and innovations, now the progress continues – year after year new web applications appear. The netizens are able to find the optimal internet variant that will satisfy all their needs. Among the main ones are:

  • Single Page applications (SPA);
  • Progressive Web applications (PWA);
  • Flipcart Web application (FWA).

One more achievement done – Agile Web Productivity APPs

Next 5 years were noticeable with the agile web productivity applications development. All webmasters felt the advantages of adaptive planning. Additionally, new web products had other key features to mention – The collaboration between cross-functional terms was achieved.

As it is seen – each step towards present day web development result is highly valued and important. Now we continue era of agile business platforms (with its business process management) that will end approximately in 2020. New stage soon starts – waiting for new discoveries that will have the direct impact on the permanent progress.